Smoke in Home
There are many potential causes for smoke coming into the home.
If excess smoke is coming out of your fireplace, it’s a problem you want to address and solve quickly. There are several solutions that you, the homeowner, can implement in dealing with a smoky chimney or fireplace. Other solutions can be handled by our chimney repair crew.
Ye Olde Brit Chimney Sweep resolves smoky chimney issues in San Bernardino CA and surrounding areas, Palm Springs CA, and Beaumont CA, as well as Fontana CA, Rancho Cucamonga CA, Redlands CA, Ontario CA, Bloomington CA, Glendora CA, Covina CA, Azusa CA, and more.
Why Is Your Chimney or Fireplace Smoking?
What we call a smoky chimney can be caused by a variety of things. If you’re having smoke issues, the first step is to find out why the fireplace or chimney is emitting more than it should.
Here are seven common reasons and solutions.
Damp, unseasoned firewood
Wet wood is going to produce far more smoke than dry, seasoned logs. The smoke is due to the high moisture content in the wood.
Solution: Let fresh-cut logs dry for at least six months. Purchase only seasoned firewood.
Blocked chimney cap mesh
With some smoky chimney issues, the problem is a weak draft. If the mesh of your chimney cap or flue cover is clogged with debris, drafting can become impeded.
Solution: Thoroughly clean out the mesh.
Obstructed flue
Drafting also can be hindered if there is a lot of debris inside your flue. Leaves, twigs and small-animal nests are the most common.
Solution: Have your chimney professionally cleaned. Install a quality chimney cap (or repair the current one).
Fireplace damper malfunction
A lot of issues with smoky chimneys and fireplaces stem from a problem with the fireplace damper. Over time, dampers can rust and break. If yours can’t open fully, you’re going to get smoke backups.
Solution: Find out what’s wrong with the damper and have it repaired or replaced.
House too airtight
Some homes are pretty airtight. This causes insufficient air to be available to push smoke out of your fireplace and up the chimney.
Solution: Crack a window or two near the fireplace.
Wrong flue size
The inside of your chimney, i.e., the flue, must be the right size to properly vent your specific fireplace. If the flue was built incorrectly, drafting problems will occur.
Solution: Have your fireplace and chimney inspected and make any necessary modifications.
Wrong chimney height
Like with the wrong flue size, a chimney that’s not the right height can cause a smoky chimney or fireplace by not drafting the smoke up and out efficiently.
Solution: Have your chimney inspected and modified.
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide
A smoky chimney can push smoke into your home, but worse than the smoke is the carbon monoxide that smoke carries.
You can’t see or smell this toxic gas, but inhaling it could lead to severe medical consequences. Carbon monoxide, when breathed in is known to be highly dangerous to people and animals.
Never operate a gas or wood fireplace or stove without a working carbon monoxide monitor installed near and above the appliance.
Solving Your Smoky Chimney & Fireplace Issues
Ye Olde Brit has been solving smoky chimney issues for our San Bernardino-area customers for more than 30 years. We can fix the problem,
Speak with a chimney professional today at (909) 880-2120 or get in touch with our handy contact form.