Using a Fireplace Insert in Winter
You have lived in your home for a while. You enjoy the beauty and warmth of your wood-burning fireplace. But you have found that you aren’t getting the best enjoyment from your fireplace. Maybe you don’t have enough heat from it. It may be time to look into a fireplace insert. An insert is much more efficient than continuing to use your firebox as is.
What Is A Fireplace Insert?
A fireplace insert is a closed combustible system. It is a firebox that is surrounded by cast iron and steel to make an area for wood to burn and produce heat. The fireplace insert allows for a fire to burn behind a sealed glass door. This enclosure makes the fireplace much more efficient.
There are many different types of fireplace inserts to choose from. Contact us at Ye Olde Brit at 909-880-2120. Our technicians will be happy to introduce you to the different types.
Let’s talk about a few options:
Wood-Burning Fireplace Insert
A wood-burning insert fits directly into your firebox. It vents through your existing chimney. There is no need for extra ductwork to your home. Depending on the size of the insert, it can heat from a 1,000- 3,000 sq ft home. An insert will burn for about three to four hours without adding additional wood. With this type of insert, you still have the option of storing your wood and adding it at will.
Gas Fireplace Insert
A Gas Fireplace Insert is an easy option for your home. These inserts burn fuel such as gas or propane. They are quite efficient as they burn little fuel to maintain the fire. A gas fireplace insert is affordable and attractive, burning a cozy fire. These natural gas or propane inserts slip right into the current opening. They are easy to install as well. They are convenient and clean to burn. No need to store or buy wood either.
Electric Fireplace Inserts
An electric fireplace is an easy option for your home. If you are looking for the ambiance of a wood-burning fireplace but don’t want the additional duties and expenses, an electric fireplace may be the option for you. The only maintenance that you will have to do is wipe it down periodically. They are convenient and clean to burn. No need to store or buy wood either.

Call Ye Olde Brit Chimney Sweep
We sell and install Electric Fireplace Inserts. We will safely and professionally install your insert.
As you can see there are many different options to choose from. When you are ready to have your insert installed, we can help. Contact us at Ye Olde Brit at 909-880-2120 to get started.
Ye Olde Brit Chimney Sweep provides a wide variety of Chimney Services. Including Inspections, Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Liner Solutions, Chimney Repair, Fireplace Repair and Restoration Services, New Fireplaces and Stoves, and more to the San Bernardino / Palm Springs / Riverside and nearby SoCal Inland Empire Communities towns.